Client: Thune
Sector: Retail
Services: Corporate Brand LeadershipBrand Identity & Design

"And something blue" – since 1857

Thune is one of Norway’s oldest jewellers, renowned as a leading name in the jewelry industry.

For nearly two centuries, jeweler Thune has pursued authenticity and beauty in craftsmanship, design, and the raw materials they refine. High-class products that are as relevant today as they are valuable for the next generation. After refining Thune’s brand platform, it was time to bring it to life.


Thune has long held a strong position in the jewelry and watch market and sought to further reinforce its presence while clearly differentiating itself from competitors. How do you develop a communication concept that is credible, distinctive, and sustainable over time?

It’s about honoring the genuine with something real. The symbol, for instance, reflects Thune's proud history as a purveyor to the Royal Court.


Our Brand Matrix process offers a strategic focus to clarify an organization’s brand core, align it internally, and communicate it effectively to inspire employees and customers.

Anchored in a clear brand strategy we developed visual and conceptual guidelines, including visual expressions and tone of voice.

Thune’s strategic narrative centered around family, heritage, love, craftsmanship, and history. These deep and genuine emotions are universal. They have always existed—protecting, uniting, creating, and preserving life, all rooted in love. Throughout history, people have crafted and given gifts to capture the essence of love—something real and visible, as meaningful to give as it is to receive, and something we proudly share with others.

It’s about honoring the genuine with something real.

By reclaiming and emphasizing historically significant attributes such as the Thune symbol and the royal blue color, and use of the Norwegian language the brand character was aligned with the band core.

These unique characteristics set Thune apart from competitors while reinforcing its proud heritage among employees and customers. A focus on classic fashion for models further strengthened the brand’s timeless modernity.

The Brand Matrix process offers a strategic focus to clarify an organization’s brand core, align it internally, and communicate it effectively to inspire employees and customers.

Christina Øverland-Engelsen

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